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 (78.6 KB)Elenco biglietti vincenti (78.6 KB).

Paese dei Balocchi 2017 will be held in two days:


SATURDAY 6 MAY 2017 from 2.30 p.m. at the Play Village the 7th edition of the Mini Olimpiadi (Mini Olympic Games) organised by Jesolo Young People will be waiting for you with five-a-side football, tennis, taekwondo matches, and basketball federal tournaments.

SUNDAY 7 MAY 2017 the wonderful feast  moves to Parco Grifone starting at 2.30 p.m. with the performance of the Majorettes MAGIC STAR.

Following there will be numerous activities ranging from the Climatic Game to the Hawaii Party, and a great appointment with the Guinnes dei Primati (Guiness World Records): building the largest box of chocolates!

There is also Gondolino, a free shuttle service  from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. from piazza Trieste to piazza Milano.

It is a charity event: the donations will be given to  the AIRC-Associazione Italiana Ricerca sul cancro (Italian Cancer Research Association).

Free entry

 (240.84 KB)Playbill a day together (240.84 KB).

In case of bad weather the feast will be postponed to Sunday 14 May 2017.


For more information


Source: Communication Office at the townhall

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