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4th Sacred itinerary – Mary, mother of Jesus and Queen of Heaven


From Monday 13 June, along viale Belgio, the works of the 20th edition will start to take form thanks to the hands of four artists: Carlo Monopoli, Paolo Maiani, Enzo Barbon, and Almo del Sarto will interpret the theme "Mary, mother of Jesus and Queen of Heaven", which is the continuation of the itinerary started three years ago.
The inauguration of the event before the Patriarch, with the presentation of the works by the artists will take place on Sunday 19 June at 9 am


In the green unchallenged nature that dampens noises and almost stops times, the colours and shapes of the “walls of art” are the tangible sign of the discreet presence of man.
Following the itinerary of more the 50 painted walls is like starting a course inspired to nature that returns to it.
It is a fascinating experience that can be enjoyed when the works are taking form: observing the artists while they are working, in the festive atmosphere that is created around the unusual artistic workshop, and  being guided by the presentation that the authors offer the public, when the works are completed, or an experience to be lived autonomously, accompanied by emotions and fantasy, following your own, very personal interpretation.


The themes of the previous editions:
I edition (1997) Mare e Pineta
II edition (1998) Il Pescatore
III edition (1999) I Mestieri
IV edition (2000) Le Quattro Stagioni
V edition (2001) Le Dune
VI edition (2002) Venezia e le sue origini- Pitture
VII edition (2003) Venezia e le sue origini - Sculture
VIII edition (2004) Tramonto sul Mare
IX edition (2005) Camminando sulla Spiaggia
X edition (2006) Nettuno Dio del Mare
XI edition (2007) Il Contadino del Mare
XII edition (2008) Mare in Burrasca
XIII edition (2009) Dentro la barca
XIV edition (2010) La Gondola 
XV edition (2011) Il vecchio del mare
XVI edition (2012) Tradizioni popolari
XVII edition (2013) Maria, madre di Gesù e Regina dei cieli
XVIII edition (2014) Maria, madre di Gesù e Regina dei cieli
XIX edition (2015) Maria, madre di Gesù e Regina dei cieli


Source: Communication Office at the townhall
e-mail comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

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