Due to bad weather, the traditional parade of Floats will be held on Sunday, March 8th




file in jpg (399.92 KB)Course of the parade of floats (399.92 KB).
file in jpg (399.92 KB)Course of the parade of floats (399.92 KB).

The 61st Carnival of Jesolo is organised by Pro Loco, with the patronage of the Municipality of Jesolo. 

The lottery tickets are distributed in the shops and public premises of the city and along the entire course of parade. To be won a Ford Fiesta and 9 other prizes. 

The accommodation structures open during the Carnival period are reported following.

 (655.07 KB)Accommodation structures open at carnival (655.07 KB).


Pro Loco di Jesolo
Via S. Antonio 11 
Tel. 0421 359321 (mercoledì e venerdì 9-12)
Fax 0421 359134
Cellulare 333.9305055
E-mail proloco.jesolo@libero.it


Fonte: Ufficio Comunicazione del Comune di Jesolo
e-mail comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

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