This is the title of Carlo Pecorelli’s personal exhibition that is hosted at his own exhibition space at Torre Alioth in Piazza Drago in Jesolo Lido.

Thirty sculptures, paintings, and installations are the works exhibited.

The artist is inspired by the need to re-establish the moral virtues that now seem extinct and represents it with a series of works that recall the Renaissance period.
In fact, the Renaissance, the artist affirms, is a period in which man came out of the darkness of the Middle Ages, placed himself at the centre of the world and, aware of his own free thought, power, and means, inaugurated a period of extraordinary moral, cultural, artistic, and literary blossoming aimed at favouring liberality, harmony, and solidarity among all human beings.

From Saturday 12 July to Sunday 28 September 2014
Open every day
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 20:30-22:30, Saturday and Sunday 11:00-12:30 and 20:30-22:30
Free entry

For more information
Mobile: +39 338 488 0606


Source: Ufficio Comunicazione del Comune di Jesolo

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