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Locandina evento con foto partecipanti
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Thursday 7 August 2013 at 9 p.m. in Piazza Aurora the Concert and Award giving ceremony of the winners of the 6th International Competition of Modern Music Onde Sonore, which took place in Jesolo at the Vivaldi Theatre on 5 and 6 April 2014 with singer and Vocal Coach Cheryl Porteras President of the jury, will be held.

The programme of the concert includes the performance of the following young artists:

- Guerra Valerio
- Gruppo Paper Rose
- Poloiaz Iside
- Sandrini Amina
- Zaffalon Andrea

The ballerina Valentina Papawill perform in the show.

The choreographies of the event are by Associazione Max Fitness Club Dance Departmentof Jesolo.

Numerous young musicians from different Italian regions and foreign countries participated in the event. It was organised by the Associazione Musica Viva and C. Monteverdi music school in collaboration with the City of Jesolo. The initiative has the patronage of Veneto Region and Province of Venice.

For more information


Source: Ufficio Comunicazione del Comune di Jesolo
Email: comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Comune di Jesolo
via Sant'Antonio 11, 30016 Jesolo (VE) - P.I./C.F. 00608720272
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 0421 359111 - Fax: 0421 359360 - Email: urp@comune.jesolo.ve.it -
PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it