locandina Tropicarium Park
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Tropicarium Park is the great exhibition of piazza Brescia, hosted in a wing of Pala Arrex, with very rare and unique animals, many aquatic and land turtles, geckoes, monitor lizards and sauria, frogs, toads, and salamanders, insects, 3 gorgeous monkey families, the Giardino delle Farfalle (Butterfly Garden),  and the very clever and playful Magellanic Penguins.
Interesting is the area of the nocturnal animals with the Genetta Melanica (Genetta genetta), Australian Opossum (it looks like a black koala) and the little Flying Phalangers.

Predators with vicious crocodiles like Godzilla and Ruby, a couple of Nile Crocodiles, that during the winter mated successfully and on 1 January 2013 mother Ruby laid 17 eggs, their baby crocodiles can be admired in the new installation close their parents.
In addition, there are Alligators and Caimans, while in the aquatic part we can see the rare and very dangerous Zambezi shark, Bull Shark, rare Lemon sharks, Hammerhead shark, Whitetip shark, Black-finned sharks, and nurse shark swim, all so extraordinary and fascinating.

Aquarium, an exhibition with many species of tropical fish, rare fish, up to most primitive ones  like Limuli and Nautilus, to most coloured ones like Rabbitfish and Butterflyfish, up to the most dangerous Stonefish, very strange animals of the sea like Seahorses and extraordinary like Jellyfish.


The Park is a completely covered structure and accessible to disabled persons. The duration of the visit of about 3 hours and includes various species of turtles, sauria, butterflies, penguins, tropical fish, sharks, crocodiles, monkeys, and much more, an enthusiastic and relaxing visit for the entire family.
Pictures can be taken, but absolutely without flash.




Opening Hours

For more information
Monica mobile 349 0540156


Source: Ufficio Comunicazione del Comune di Jesolo

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