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7th Girolaguna - Bike tour 2019

Saturday 18 May 2019 the 7th Giro Laguna will take place, an unforgettable Cycle - Excursion around the Venetian Lagoon, UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The programme of the day includes a bike tour of the Lagoon, and a visit to the Island of San Francesco del Deserto to enjoy the excellences of Eastern Venice.

Meeting at 8 p.m. - piazza di Cavallino.

For registrations and detailed information: Adriabikesotel


Source: Communication Office at the townhall
e-mail comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Segui Città di Jesolo:

Comune di Jesolo
via Sant'Antonio 11, 30016 Jesolo (VE) - P.I./C.F. 00608720272
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 0421 359111 - Fax: 0421 359360 - Email: urp@comune.jesolo.ve.it -
PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it