Jesolo Dance Contest 2019

The XI edition of Jesolo Dance Contest, competition dedicate to urban dances will be held at the PalaInvent on Sunday 12 May.
A jury of professionals such as Dolores Ninja Parisi, Marco Gentile,Amedeo Crielesi, Momo John Cedar, and Bboy Zapy will judge the performances of the various artists.
During the competition various prizes and scholarships, among which the JDC XI edition trophy,will be awarded.
The competition-show is open to everyone, the cost of the ticket is € 5,00.
Free entrance for the participants registered in the competition.
Registration fee: € 20,00 per participant, for additional performance of the participant € 10,00 must be added.


For registration modalities and participation visit the official website:

Official website Jesolo Dance Contest.
 (1.11 MB)Playbill (1.11 MB).

Images of the previous editions:


For more information:
 Mobile: 329 6980385


Source: Communication Office at the townhall

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