A Jesolo tuffarsi dal pontile è vietato e pericoloso

Diving , is one of the most loved fun things to do during summer at the beach, but it can cause a tragedy if done from the piers.
The piers located on the promenade of Jesolo are not structures for bathers: they are coast defence works.
The depth of the water near the piers, even with high tide, is often lower than 100 cm, for this reason a dive can become a tragedy: the strong impact with the seabed often causes damages to the spine, serious spinal marrow lesions, irreversible and highly crippling damages.
The prohibition is reported in Ordinanza n.16/2013 of the Ufficio Circondariale Marittimo (Maritime District Order) of Jesolo and in the Ordinanza del Comune di Jesolo sulle attività balneari n. 31/2016  (Order of the Municipality of Jesolo regarding bathing activities):

 (352.41 KB)Playbill (352.41 KB).

Source: Communication office at the Jesolo Townhall
Email: comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

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