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From 15 June to 9 September 2018 the Centro Congressi Kursaal in piazza Brescia will host the eSport Videogame Palace.
Open challenges with the electronic sports in 50 playing stations among PCs and Consoles.
Hours: every day, h 15-02
Admission: 5 euros

The presentation press conference will be held on Wednesday 13 June at 18:00, at the Casabianca Cafè in piazzetta Casabianca, and a taste of E-Sports with Andrea Mele in art “Las Melas”. Andrea will challenge during the entire press conference anyone that wants to face him in the most classical "Champion Challenge", in an ad-hoc created station.


E-Sports, from the English electronic sports, is known in Italy as electronic sports or also competitive electronic games. Virtual game platforms  are used, that thanks to the use of electronic or computer systems they allow a continuous man-computer interaction during the different phases of the game. The competition is the base of the same definition of  E-Sports. You can challenge the machine, but it is more fun competing among various players, arranged singularly or in teams to conquer a common objective.


For more information:

Source: Communication Office at the townhall
e-mail comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Comune di Jesolo
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PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it