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International championship of youth football
In Jesolo from 1st to 3rd June 2018 the International Championship of youth football Eurosportring

Eurosportring Cup” tournament, promoted by Euro-Sporting, will be disputed by 80 football teams from Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Holland, Austria, Germany and France from 1st to 2nd June 2018.

The tournament regards the categories under 11, under 12 and 13, under 15 and under 17.

Armando Picchi Stadium of Jesolo will be the meeting point for the participants, with its 2000 covered seats. Here will start the competition with a commemorative ceremony and will also be played the final matches and be the awarding of prizes.


Source: Communication Office at the townhall
e-mail: comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Comune di Jesolo
via Sant'Antonio 11, 30016 Jesolo (VE) - P.I./C.F. 00608720272
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 0421 359111 - Fax: 0421 359360 - Email: urp@comune.jesolo.ve.it -
PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it